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Authentic Learning

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The annual aunthentic learning of the second grade with the theme “Ayo Piknik Sehat”, “aku sehat, aku kuat, aku hebat” has been held on January 9th, 2024 at Tunggal Silma Farma, TSF. This year’s event “Ayo Piknik Sehat” surpassed expectations by generating a great deal of interest among 2nd grade students.

Event were started by fun exercise and continued by student seeing around the variety  of plants on TSF beautiful garden. Beside seeing around, students were encouraged  to acknowledge a different kinds vegetable and fruit plants. As a part of gaining more knowledge about nature  through aunthentic experiences.

Following that, the event continued with group games designed to develop social skills and students’ attitudes toward cooperation. Students were ecstatic and ecstatically released positive energy by participating in a fun but beneficial activity.

Thus, a picnic was also held in which each student brought their own lunch and ate it together at TSF. Picnic activities were effective in enhancing creativity, social skills, communication, and respect, according to Radhika Kapur’s 2020 research.

“Ayo piknik sehat” was a closing event in which all students, divided into groups, participated in recycling creation by using common and modest materials such as food boxes made of carton, leaves, branches, and used papers. Each group then used English to present each of their creations to the rest of the participants.



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